The Boring Part…
My name is Gianluca Fabrizio and I was born in Alessandria, Italy, in 1965. At seven I moved to Milano, where I since then live and work.
I shoot and sell images and this website is all about that.
Creative portraiture, still life and landscape/urban are, among the others, the kind of photography niches I love the most, offering my images by online stock selling Agencies, like Getty Images and iStock, and by custom shootings that can be tailored to satisfy any Client’s photographic need.
If you browse to the Portfolio page of this website you can view some of my best images produced to date, the Links page is where you can jump to places on the Web where my images are displayed and sold and if you want to ask for a quotation, a tailored shooting or whatever else you may want to, please go straight to the Contacts page, which is exactly what you’re looking for!
Enjoy your stay and thank you for your visit :)